NodeChat Development

Have gotten a bunch of PR’s this past week, since this is the last week of class. Everyone is finishing up their release 4,  which means the project has made some great progress.

We now have the continuous integration system Travis, that helps with managing the app. And, we are working on es-lint and prettier, there is still some configuring to do but it’s almost up and running.

So with all the changes, there was a bit of backtracking I had to fix. One of the PR’s changed how the messages were sent to the screen but they forgot to change some corresponding code, so it ended up breaking the messages altogether so no messages would display correctly on the screen. It was a pretty easy fix, but I am not sure about keeping it. The change puts the JSX for a message into a variable, then we just render that. The problem with that is it doesn’t get updated anymore when state changes. I have to look into it more later, but I might have to go back to making the JSX just before it is rendered.

Here is the PR that fixed the above bug and a few others:

The other bugs include:

  •  package.json – formatting bugs that formed when I did a manual merge.
  • Fixed avatar’s so you can now upload custom avatars. This change required changes to the server aswell, this is the PR that changed the server
  • package-lock.json – There was a problem merging so I just deleted the old version and made a new one.



Finding a JS bug using chrome developer Tools

Another issue was filed in the cube-roll project, Issue #4 which was a problem with the games score not updating. It turned out to be a small fix but I wanted to go through how I found where in the code the bug was.

I first started the game and duplicated the problem.

I then looked through the code and find what I think gets called when I get a point. I found that line 90 of the world.js file is where the logic for updating the score was.

After finding the area of code where I thought the problem could be, I opened the developers tools in chrome and then I navigated to the sources tab. In the sources tab I navigate to the file I want world.js. I can now setup breakpoints, after that I started the game and duplicated the problem again. This time since I setup the breakpoints the game pause on the breakpoint and I could look at the values of the data in the developer tools.

As you can see in Figure 1 this is what happens when you trigger a breakpoint.

A snippet of the chrome developer tool
Figure 1

After doing the above a few times in multiple areas of the code, I located the line of code with the problem. Inside, hud.js there is the function setText() that is called from line 98 of the world.js file.

Inside setText() I found the below typo:

setText(id, text){
    this.elements[id].test=text; // .test should be .text

Now that I found the problem I was able to fix the typo and submit a PR:

Hacktoberfest – Bug Fixes and Styling in NodeChat app.

For my 3rd and 4th pull request of Hacktoberfest, I didn’t work on much new technology, like in my previous pull request’s. Instead I thought I would fix a bug that was added during the move from a jQuery site to a React site. And I added some styling to the messages on the NodeChat app.

PR #3 

In the original jQuery site the original creator designed it to display a greeting message when a user logs in. From testing the original site, the greeting message only displayed the first time someone logged in. This is were the React app had a bug, it would always display the greeting message when you enter the chat.

In order to fix this bug I needed to have the idea of a previous user inside the chat page component. I was able to do this by creating a Boolean inside the login page and sending that over to the chat page through props. This allowed my to conditionally show the greeting message.


PR #4

Since the chat app can handle more then just 2 people at a time, I wanted to show who is sending each message. I was already receiving the username of the sender so it wasn’t technically that hard to get the username to display. Their was a bug in receiving the username but it was quick to fix.

The more involved part of this PR was probably all the CSS required to make the messages look nice.

Here’s a picture of the end result: